Hi, you’ve just landed this page, and let me briefly introduce myself. Don’t worry, it won’t take much of your time.

Hello, I’m Pojie. I work as a blogger and digital content creator covering different themes from travel, lifestyle product, and more.
I found my inspiration to create this website as a sharing platform when I first travelled abroad to Thailand. After the amazing journey, I received a lot of questions about my trip from my fellow friends and other social media audiences. As a matter of fact, this made me realise that it is certainly a great idea to create a blog where I can share insightful stories with others. And… here I am. The journey goes beyond my expectations and always counts for more.
As a graduate in the journalism field, I indulge my passion in writing. I enjoy exploring new things that are absolutely different from mine. Last week I might be slumbering at a unique stay in Pahang, Malaysia. I had such an amazing journey in Taiwan during the last two days and yesterday was the moment where I unlocked one of my life achievements (conquering heights) by doing the world’s fastest zipline in Wales.
Every day is my new journey and I share it all on this website.

This website covers various kinds of content such as travel, lifestyle, technology, culinary, hotel & resort, and more.

Nominated as ‘Best Travel Blog’ in Malaysia Social Media Week (MSMW) 2015 & 2016
Award ‘Best Video Blog’ in Malaysia Social Media Week 2016

My content and reach are the reasons why I have collaborated with various brands and organizations from tourism boards, hotels, and resorts, airlines, clothing brands to telco companies. My commitments to them are in the form of article write-up, video, and photography, as well as social media campaigns.
Some of the brands are shown below:

For advertising or partnership inquiries, kindly reach me via hello@pojiegraphy.com
Media kit and rate card will be sent upon request.