Assalamualaikum dan Salam sejahtera to everyone yang masih lagi sudi ‘blogwalking’ kat blog saya ni. After a quite long time, now baru rasa lega to write something on my blog. Overall of the semester, all i can say is everything were seems like to be to be quite tough for me when you’re about to adapt yourself with new environment and the flows compared to the previous one which i had during my diploma. Senang, jangan nak berangan because this field is not all about being glamour surrounded by cameras and all. If you have that kind of view? You are literally wrong.
Quick review for my first semester being in Media Studies (Journalism) course:
Pada mulanya rasa macam agak tenang and masih lagi relax dan tertunggu-tunggu apa agaknya tugasan yang bakal datang (maklum la dah lama bercuti, confirm la excited dengan tugasan yang bakal diberi). Tugasan pertama diberi, rasa semangat yang amat sampai assigment boleh siap on time. Hari semakin berlalu, assignment pun kian bertambah, mulalah rasa malas tahap infiniti. Mulalah mengamalkan habit buat kerja last minit, mula la tangguh masa nak buat kerja. Well, itu memang perkara biasa buat setiap pelajar universiti. Alhamdulillah, semuanya dapat diselesaikan dalam masa yang diberikan walaupun banyak juga cabaran dan halangan yang mendatang sampai rasa macam “That’s it! I’m done!”. Anyway, i truly enjoyed for some of the assignments that i had done through the entire semester where i learnt and able to gained new experiences.
For this semester, roughly i have 5 subjects and 3 subjects that contain a final exam paper which are Introduction to Mass Communications, Marketing Communications and Sociology.
You know what makes feel so difficult?
When i have to read a lot of texts and been forced to remember the terms and others bila you already get used to a practical things rather than theory. During diploma, my focus is only about producing photography artwork and there are only few final papers itu pun masa semester 1,2 and 3 itu pun 1 or 2 paper saja. So, basically kalau dulu memang habit esok exam, malam tu baru berhempas pulas study sampai tengah pagi.
Sempat juga nak menyebok. Itulah Tommy yang sibuk mengacau masa aku tengah study.
My biggest problem is during the examination where i spent a lot of times to jot down what i got in my mind on the question paper until i feel like 3 hours are just not enough for me. Bad bad habit.
Dulu biasanya mesti conteng kat kertas soalan dulu untuk perah apa yang ada dalam otak, lagi teruk sampai lukis kertas soalan itu (itu sebab tak ada idea dah) but still sempat je jawab soalan sebelum masa tamat. Tapi kali ni, teknik tu memang tak boleh pakai and perlu diubah.
See the photos below (That’s how i roll my question papers)
Our last paper was on January, 13 of 2014. That’s mean a temporarily FREEDOM for us! Oh my, its been 10 days after my last paper and only now i have my chance to write about it. Is it still valid? I hope it is.
Below are the faces of FREEDOM
Zharif, Aqasha, Ecah and Me
With the intelligent ladies Amni and Ainul. Right after our paper was collected.
With Fakhrul, my group partner for the entire semester through ups and downs. Not to forget to Amirol too. I hope all of us doing fine with the result that are coming soon. Better performance for next semester, perhaps!
We have done the best that we could do and just hope that all the efforts will be paid off with better results. To all my classmates, have a good break and please be safe. See you guys in 1 month and plus.
teringin betul nak ambil journalism .