Hello. Finally, weekend datang lagi setelah bertungkus lumus penat lelah for the whole weekdays dengan class and assignments. Mungkin hujung minggu adalah waktu yang terbaik untuk recover diri jadi seorang manusia normal semula.
Setiap orang ada aktiviti mereka masing-masing untuk hujung minggu. Ada yang duduk rumah, ada yang bertemu dengan cinta hati, ada yang bersosial dengan rakan-rakan dan macam-macam la.
For mine, after all sudah lama tidak jumpa baru sekarang dapat jumpa. I guess the last time i met her was last year. Last year? sounds awful. Padahal duduk satu kawasan je tapi nak jumpanya macam sorang duduk dekat UK and sorang lagi duduk dekat Aussie. LOL
Well, dah jumpa tu sekali gus plan untuk celebrate birthday Jijot sekali. It was like 2 in 1 punya plan la tu. Meet Ellyn & Jijot.
Happy belated birthday to Jijot again.
Lutfi, Ellyn, Jijot and I
Four of us with the delicious cake ordered by Ellyn. It was tasty and yet just nice. It melts in my mouth perfectly!
Beautiful cake with three layers.
Some of you might wondering and maybe aware dengan our background kan? I mean the place. It was a nice place i tell you. The best for you to to birthday celebration, reunion or etc because tempatnya yang agak tenang and beautiful. I would like to give credit for the deco even the place is just full with fake flowers but still you will feel macam berada dekat wedding set dalam movie Twilight. LOL
Well, its Flora Terrace.
Below are some of the photos for the decoration.
Not to forget, the foods here are nice too. This restaurant might looks westernized but i tell you that you can also dine some local foods here and ada juga makanan yang ada both elemen between local and western foods.
To get more information about Flora Terrace, kindly click here for their official Facebook website.
Full Address:
Flora Terrace,
Hampshire Place, A-LG-1, Lower Ground Floor, No:1, Jalan Mayang Sari, 50400 Kuala Lumpur
03-2181 0872
Tiba-tiba jari rasa rajin nak menaip. So, this is for this week. I wish all of you guys have a great weekend with your loved ones. Don’t forget to have a proper rest time sebab monday is coming again tak lama lagi.
singgahkomen dan follow, selamat berblogging
salam. bestnya dpt sambut besday dgn rakan2..