Simple, Healthier way to prepare a bowl of MAGGIE

Sharing is caring! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email I’m not a big fan of maggie but recently MAGGI has changed my way of eating (i know…

I’m not a big fan of maggie but recently MAGGI has changed my way of eating (i know its not really healthy to eat maggie but this kind of maggie is just too delicious to eat). Especially musim exam lagi la kita (student) tak ada masa nak keluar (cuma mengharapkan ihsan orang lain yg baik hati untuk hantar kita makanan). LOL.
Now, there’s a little so called trick for you to prepare a bowl of maggie with healthier way. Let’s start it now!
When it comes to a maggie, I prefer to mix it up with hard or half boiled egg. Lagi ummmph!

We could’t predict the right amount of water. Sometimes, its too much and it makes our maggie tasteless. Indeed. I suggest you to fill up water on a bowl that you will use later ikut banyak mana yang korang nak. 
Heat the water until it reach its boiling point. 

Take out your maggie and put it on the boiling water
Bila maggie dah mula kembang, take it out and buang air yang digunakan tu. 
Its time untuk masukkan serbuk perencah dan sebagainya

Isi dengan air baru and panaskan sehingga mendidih before masukkan serbuk perencah tu.

Look! Now tiba masanya untuk kita campurkan maggie yang dah masak tadi. To make it a great combination between a healthier maggie and delicious soup!

Walaaaa! My maggie is done. You can add other topping such as vegetables, fried onions and etc. It depends on your preference and creativity. You’re the one who gonna enjoy it anyway. 

Now i can have my bowl of happiness. Slueeeeeeeerp! 
Wanna know what’s my favourite maggie? Well, its Korean Spicy by Maggi
Best taste ever!

Watch their official commercial video. 
Damn it! Looks pretty enticing and feels like i wanna have my second bowl of maggie. 
Find out more information about their new taste of maggie


  1. tak pernah rasa lagi maggi ni! Ingat lagi dulu-dulu masa skolah rendah cikgu pesan jangan makan maggi, tak elok untuk otak. Setahun puasa maggi sebab nak exam UPSR. LOL!

  2. Alaaaa. Bukan selalu. Sekali sekala bila masa tu terlalu packed kan. Hahaha. Don't forget to try Maggi Royale Korean Spicy. Sedap!

  3. pernah baca dalam entri salah sorang blogger share cara masak maggie begini katanya perlu rebus dan buang air untuk keluarkan 'lilin' pada maggie tu..

    Pernah mkn royal korean tu..baru sekali try mmg SEDAP!!! sgt..waktu study dulu mmg kerapa mkn maggie tapi bila dh keje dah kurangkan coz rambut dh byk gugur 🙂

  4. Terpancar sinar kebahagiaan menikmati maggie kan? Bahagianya ibarat menjamu selera dihotel bertaraf 5.5 bintang. Hamek kau! Siap ada .5 tu hahaha!

  5. Yeap. Part paling penting ialah kena buang wax tu. Cara dia ikut apa yang dinyatakan di atas. Betul tak tipu. Tak percaya? tengok rupa air lepas dah boil maggie tu. Heeee

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